

by Roger

Looking for a recipe for a pan-fried pancake made with flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and eggs.

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Sep 07, 2016
Origin of Schmarn
by: Karin

I am 67 yrs old German born, grew up in Germany but then married an American and came over here in 1967. My parents were Flüchtlinge from the Sudetenland during WWII. My dads mom would make Schmarn for Lunch or Supper, it was very filling. :) my mom was Czec and she didn't know it, but my dad's great grandparents came from Australia, so I think it came from there.

May 06, 2011
by: Roger

Thank you Gerhild!!

I really appreciate the information and this will certainly enhance my grandson's project!!

He and I will certainly look forward to trying the recipe.


May 05, 2011
Kratzeti or Schmarrn
by: Gerhild

The most common name for these "torn or scrambled pancakes" are "Schmarrn" from a 16th century German word meaning "to smear" or "to pain". In the Swabian or Bavarian region of southern Germany as well as in Austria they are known as Kratzeti.

They are usually sweet pancakes commonly known as Kaiserschmarrn (Kaiser's), Semmelschmarrn (bread), or Grießschmarrn (Cream of Wheat), but also as a savoury type known as Kartoffelschmarrn (potato).

Kratzete (made without the added sugar) are the traditional accompaniment for asparagus in the Black Forest area of Germany.

Here's an easy recipe for kratzete. Usually they are made by separating the eggs and adding the stiffly beaten egg whites to the rest of the mixture. For the traditional recipe, check out Kaiserschmarrn.

Kratzeti or Schmarrn
  • 2 cups flour, all-purpose
  • pinch salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk

  • Whisk together until well mixed.
  • Let stand about 20 - 30 minutes.
  • Melt about 2 - 3 tbsp butter in frying pan. Add pancake batter.
  • When bottom of pancake has browned, turn pancake over, tearing into pieces with a fork.
  • Continue frying till all is golden brown.
  • Serve, sprinkled with sugar.

  • If you wish, you can add 2 tbsp. sugar to the pancake batter as well.

  • May 05, 2011
    More info
    by: Roger

    Good Morning,

    Thanks for the effort. I'm not sure at all about the spelling. This breakfast food was passed down from my great grandmother, to my grandmother, and then on to my Mom. The great grandparents are the immigrants from Germany and settled along the Mississippi River in eastern Iowa and western Wisconsin. I'm not sure where they originated from in Germany.

    The food looks and cooks like a large, thick pancake. Usually as big as the diameter of the pan you are cooking in and ends up after cooking about 1 inch thick; but then is cut into small bite size pieces before serving and this also allows it to cook all the way thru.

    Unfortunately, my Mom no longer remembers much about it's origin (she's 94 yrs old) and the other relatives are long gone.

    What brought this about was my grandson has a school project asking for ethnic recipes from different countries and we were trying to find more info on this dish.

    Thanks again for your efforts.

    May 04, 2011
    German Pancakes
    by: Gerhild

    Not sure what the word Crotsedi could mean. I've tried all sorts of phonetic variations, but nothing comes to mind.

    Can you tell us a little more about this pancake. It's texture, taste, if fluffy or thin? Is this a breakfast food, or supper? Anything to help differentiate this German pancake from all the others.

    Also, what part of Germany do you think this come from? Since there are many different dialects in Germany, knowing this might help.

    I'm hoping one of our readers will recognize this. I'll keep looking myself and hopefully will be able to post the recipe real soon.

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