

by Gerhild Froeschke


  • 250 gr. Margarine oder Butter
  • 125 gr. Zucker
  • 4 Eier
  • 250 gr. Mehl
  • 2 Tel. Backpulver
  • 150 gr. Raspelschokolade
  • 1/8 liter Glühwein

  • 100 gr.Puderzucker
  • 50 ml. Glühwein


    1. Ofen auf 180°C Ober und Unterhitze vorheizen.
    2. Margarine oder Butter mit Zucker schaumig rühren.
    3. Die Eier einzeln zugeben und unterrühren.
    4. Mehl, Backpulver, und Schoko unterrühren.
    5. Zum Schluß den Glühwein zugeben.
    6. Bachblech fetten. Teig daraufgiessen und glattstreichen.
    7. Im vorgeheitzen Ofen mittlere Schiene 20 min backen.
    8. Auskühlen lassen.
    9. Puderzucker mit dem Rest vom Glühwein zu einem Guss verrühren und auf den Teig streichen.
    10. Nach festwerden in Rauten schneiden.

    Sehr lecker für Weihnachten.

    Guten Appetit

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    Apr 02, 2013
    Mulled Wine
    by: Gerhild Fulson

    I'm sorry I forgot to post where the translated recipe was earlier. You can find it here at Mulled Wine Cookies.

    Mulled wine is a very traditional drink in Germany, especially during Christmas. Since it's often purchased ready made, it's easy to have several bottles at home.

    That's where these cookies come in. Why not incorporate the lovely spicy flavours into cookies? The baking process burns off the alcohol, so the cookies are OK for kids as well.

    Not too sure of that? Well, you can always gently boil the Mulled Wine to evaporate the alcohol before using it in these cookies.

    For the icing, take either regular mulled wine or the "de-alcoholized" version and get a nice intense flavour.

    This recipe makes bar cookies. So easy to make lots. Once it's baked and iced, cut the "cake" into the traditional diamond shapes.

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