by Anke Perez
(San Antonio, TX)
Stages from frying to finished and sprinklled with cinn. sugar
This recipe contains both baking powder and Club Soda. Along with the whipped egg whites, they make 4 very thick and fluffy pancakes. I have added blueberries, but other fruit (like thinly sliced apples) or berries could be added or leave the fruit/berries out.
The pancakes are sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, which is simply granulated sugar mixed with some powdered cinnamon.
They could also be topped with whipped cream and berries, apple sauce or powdered sugar.
Here are a few notes on whipping egg whites:
- Eggs separate easier, when they are cold, and whip up faster at room temp.
- If there is even a tiny bit of yolk or shell or anything else in the bowl with the whites, they will not whip stiff, so make sure to fish anything out.
- Best to crack eggs over a small bowl, separate, check egg whites and pour each egg white into the mixing bowl
- Whites from new eggs whip up faster than those from eggs, that sat around in your fridge for a while.
- When the whites are whipped, use them as soon as possible or they turn runny.
- When adding sugar or salt to the egg whites, whip until foamy first, then drizzle in the sugar/salt and continue
to whip until stiff.
- If not using the whites within, say, 10 min. then keep them in the fridge.
T = tablespoon
t = teaspoon
c = cup
1-1/4 c All Purpose Flour
4 eggs, separated
2-3 T sugar, or more or less, as much as you like. Splenda could also be used.
1 T vanilla
1/2 t cinnamon
1 c milk
1/2 c club soda
1T baking powder
Butter or margarine for the pan
Whip the egg whites
Mix flour with baking powder and cinnamon
1. Cream the yolks with the sugar
2. Add the vanilla
3. Add the milk
4. Stir the flour mix into the yolk mix. The batter will be fairly stiff.
5. Pour in the club soda, it will foam a bit, stir into batter
6. Lastly, carefully fold in the stiff whites. Don’t mix too much, you don’t want to loose the volume.
Some clumps of whites are good.
7. Melt fat in a fying pan.
8. Add 2 ladles of the fluffy batter.
8 a. If berries or fruit are used, lay them on the batter in the pan now.
9. Fry on the first side until the batter firm up around the edgee. You can carefully lift the edge and
check the color.
10 slide a wide spatula under the pancake and flip.
11 Fry the other side. Put your fingers on the top of the pancake, wiggle around a bit, to check if the pancake
stil seems runny in the middle or if it is firm.
12 slide the pancake onto a plate and top as you like.
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Feb 07, 25 10:25 PM
Feb 07, 25 07:49 PM
Feb 06, 25 04:36 PM
Words to the Wise
"When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."
Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)